Playing the guitar is one of life’s great joys. There are so many different types of guitars and guitar shapes out there, but which guitar is most comfortable to play while sitting down?
The most comfortable electric guitars to play while seated have Stratocaster body shapes. Parlour acoustic guitars are the most comfortable of all acoustic guitars to use while sitting down. This is due to the small size and comfortable contours of these guitar body types.
Guitars are built to be played, but how comfortable a guitar is to hold while playing can make all the difference in how playable it is for the individual. If you are looking for the most comfortable guitar to play, then look no further!

Which Guitars Are The Most Comfortable To Play?
When choosing a guitar, one of the most important factors for many players is how comfortable the guitar is to play.
This is an important attribute for many guitar players, especially those who do not often play while standing up and those who are required to play extended gigs while sitting down.
For this reason, determining the most comfortable guitars to play is a journey that many guitar players undergo.
Let’s discuss some of the most comfortable guitars and guitar body shapes to play and what makes them so comfortable.
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Electric Guitars
Electric guitars are often quite uncomfortable to play, particularly while sitting down; these guitars are often heavy, they usually have relatively sharp edges, and the placement of the input jack can make electric guitars a challenge to hold comfortable while seated.
Considering all of these factors, some of the most comfortable electric guitars to play include Stratocaster body shapes, Les Paul body shapes, hollow body electric guitars, and chambered body electric guitars.
If you are looking for a comfortable electric guitar to play while sitting down, choosing from these options is a safe bet.
Stratocaster guitars are comfortable to play while seated because they have a contoured body shape that is conducive to this playing position, and the location of the input jack on the face of the body makes it easy to find a comfortable position.
Electric guitars with the Les Paul body shape are comfortable to play while seated because they are usually quite heavy, which makes playing them while standing a challenge.
Les Paul-style guitars have a flat bottom edge and an accessible top plate contour that also makes them comfortable for this playing position.
Hollow body electric guitars have a much wider, thicker body shape than other electric guitars, which makes them comfortable to use while seated because they rest easy on the legs.
These guitars are also lighter than other electrics, which further adds to how comfortable they are to play while sitting.
Chambered body electric guitars are great for playing while sitting down simply because they are incredibly light.
There is a chambered body version of almost every electric guitar body shape, but the factor that makes them good for playing while seated that they are so lightweight.
Check out this cool YouTube video on the Fender Stratocaster.
Acoustic Guitars
The truth is, most acoustic guitars are comfortable to play while sitting down because they are relatively light, and they have a wide bottom edge, especially when compared to electric guitars.
If the body is too big, it is difficult to reach over the body with the strumming hand to effectively play the strings.
For this reason, acoustic guitars with smaller or more narrow body types are more comfortable to play sitting down.
This includes parlor, auditorium, grand auditorium, and travel-sized body shapes are the most comfortable acoustic guitar body shaped to play while seated.
Check out these parlor guitars here on Amazon
The Most Comfortable Electric Guitar To Play Sitting Down
With all of these comfort factors and various body shapes in mind, which is definitively the most comfortable electric guitar to play while sitting down, and why?
The most comfortable electric guitar to play while seated is electric guitars with Stratocaster body shapes.
This is due to the fact that Strat-style guitars are very comfortable to play all-round, but the body shape makes them great for playing while seated.
Strats have rounded edges and a contoured body shape that is designed for maximum comfort and reach, making this the best electric guitar to use if you will be seated for a long time.
The location of the input jack on the front of the body is another reason why this guitar is great for this playing position, as the guitar cable will never get in the way while playing.
The Most Comfortable Acoustic Guitar To Play Sitting Down
There are many comfortable acoustic guitar types to play while sitting down, and most acoustic guitars are comfortable in this playing position, but which is the best for playing while seated?
The most comfortable acoustic guitar to playing while sitting down is any acoustic guitar with a parlor body shape.
This is because the parlor body shape is smaller than most other body shapes, but most importantly, the top curve of the body is narrow enough to comfortably reach the strings while sitting down.
Travel-sized acoustic guitars are ideal as well, but they may not sound as good as parlor acoustics, so the comfortable size brings with it a compromise in tone.
A major factor in the playability of a guitar is how comfortable a guitar is to play.
This includes how comfortable they are to play while seated, as many guitar players spend many hours playing while seated to practice, and many play extended gigs in a seated potion as well.
The most comfortable guitars to play while sitting are those that have body shapes that are conducive to this playing position.
The most comfortable electric guitars to play while seated are those with Stratocaster-style bodies, and the most comfortable acoustic guitars are parlor-shaped acoustics.
If you prefer to play guitar while sitting down, if you are required to play extended gigs while seated, or if you are just looking for a comfortable guitar, you can’t go wrong with a Strat or a parlor acoustic!