Having a hearing aid is essential for those with impaired hearing. Unfortunately, many find that their batteries drain quickly and need to be replaced often. So why do hearing aid batteries die so quickly?
Hearing aids lose power due to how these devices are designed and are also impacted by the type of battery used. Hearing aids use small but powerful zinc-air batteries, and the power output decreases over time until it ultimately must be replaced as it reaches the end of its life span.
The circuitry in a hearing aid also plays a part in why batteries die so quickly. Hearing aids use current amplification, meaning they draw more power than devices with lower audio volume requirements.
In this guide, we’ll cover the main reasons for hearing aid batteries’ short lifespan so that you understand why this occurs.
The Type of Battery Used in Hearing Aids
The most common type of battery used for hearing aids is the
. This type of battery has a very high-power output, which allows it to last longer.
However, this also means that these batteries are not able to be recharged and need to be replaced when they reach the end of their lifespan.
The circuitry in a hearing aid also plays a role in why these batteries drain so quickly. Hearing aids require more power than other devices due to their amplifier circuitry, which draws more power from the battery.
This is even further compounded by higher audio volume requirements for those with hearing loss. When combined, this means that the battery will need to be replaced more often.

Current Amplification Circuits in Hearing Aids
Hearing aids use current amplification circuits to boost the audio signal. This technology allows hearing aids to amplify sound and increase their range of sound frequency reproduction.
Unfortunately, this also causes more power to be drawn from the battery, resulting in shorter life spans for batteries used in hearing aids.
The combination of the type of battery and current amplification circuitry used in hearing aids is why these devices need to be replaced often. The power output of zinc-air batteries decreases over time, and the amplifier circuit draws more power from the battery than other devices.
Ways to Extend Hearing Aid Battery Life
Thankfully, there are several ways to extend the life of your hearing aid battery. To begin, make sure the battery is stored properly when not in use. Keeping it away from direct sunlight or heat sources can help prolong its lifespan.
Also, be aware of how often and how loudly you listen to audio with your hearing aids. Lowering the volume when not necessary can help conserve battery power.
Some environmental factors can impact the lifespan of hearing aid batteries. For example, exposure to high temperatures or humidity can cause the batteries to degrade more quickly.
To help extend the life of hearing aid batteries, it’s important to follow some best practices, such as turning off the hearing aid when it’s not in use, storing the batteries in a cool, dry place, and using high-quality batteries from a reputable manufacturer.
Additionally, you may want to consider investing in rechargeable hearing aid batteries, as these types of batteries last longer and can be recharged instead of replaced.
By understanding the main factors that lead to short battery life in hearing aids and taking the right precautions, you can extend your hearing aid battery’s lifespan and make the most of your device.

How to Replace a Hearing Aid Battery
When your hearing aid battery does need to be replaced, you can do it easily at home. To begin, locate the battery door on the back of your hearing aid and remove the old battery.
It’s important to note that you should never touch the metal contacts with your fingers, as this could cause damage to your device.
Once the old battery is removed, you can insert your new battery. Make sure it’s facing the correct direction and that all metal contacts are securely connected.
Finally, close the battery door to ensure it is properly sealed, and you’re ready to go!
Replacing hearing aid batteries may seem daunting at first, but with a little know-how and understanding, you can easily extend the life of your hearing aid battery and get the most out of your device.
Related Questions
Are all hearing aid batteries the same?
Not all hearing aid batteries are the same. The most common type of battery used in hearing aids is the zinc-air battery, which cannot be recharged and needs to be replaced when it reaches the end of its lifespan.
Other types of batteries, such as rechargeable batteries, may also be available depending on your device.
Do hearing aids all have the same power ratings?
Hearing aids can have different power ratings depending on the type and size of the device. Generally speaking, larger devices will require more power to operate.
Some hearing aids are designed for higher audio volume requirements for those with hearing loss, which may also draw more power from the battery.
What is the best way to store hearing aid batteries?
To ensure your hearing aid battery lasts as long as possible, it’s important to store it away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
Additionally, you should avoid exposing the battery to moisture or extreme temperatures. It’s also a good idea to keep spare batteries stored in their original packaging.