It can be daunting to consider wearing a hearing aid for the first time, particularly if you don’t know what to expect. Wearing hearing aids can be a life-changing experience that has the potential to help people improve their communication and engage more with the world around them.
When wearing hearing aids for the first time, it may take some time for you to adjust and get used to the new sounds. It can often feel overwhelming, with even the quietest sound seeming loud, but with consistent use, you will become accustomed to the improved hearing they provide.
You may feel excited or nervous about wearing your hearing aids for the first time. It can be a big adjustment to get used to wearing them and having amplified sounds coming into your ears, but after reading this article, you will feel more at ease about wearing them.
What to Expect When Wearing a Hearing Aid for the First Time
When wearing hearing aids for the first time, it’s important to remember that there is no sudden fix – your brain needs time to adjust.
You may initially find that loud noises can be startling, as your hearing aid amplifies sound from all directions. This is why it’s important to have your hearing aid pre-programmed to safe and appropriate levels by a professional in the field of audiology.
Another thing to bear in mind is that the process of retraining your brain to identify and separate sounds takes time. Everyone is different, and the length of time it takes your brain to adapt to new sounds depends on many factors.
Things like the severity of your hearing loss, how quickly it occurred, and how adaptable your brain is will all determine how long it takes to adjust to the new sounds. You might find that certain sounds, like a running tap or the rustling of leaves, seem very loud at first as you’re not used to them.
There is no doubt that it can be a difficult process, but with patience and persistence, it will be worthwhile to experience the benefits.
The newfound ability to hear and communicate with the world around you will be invaluable. So, take your time, and don’t be discouraged if it takes a few weeks or months to adjust.

Getting Used to Your New Hearing Aids
The adjustment period when first using hearing aids can be challenging, but as time goes by, you’ll begin to enjoy the many pros of improved hearing. The most important thing to bear in mind when you first get fitted with hearing aids is to begin by wearing them at home – preferably in a quiet environment.
Initially, it is best to focus on conversing with your friends and family and people with familiar voices. This will help you to become more accustomed to the change in sound more quickly, as well as start getting used to the feel of the hearing aids in your ears.
Another thing that is likely to help you get used to a hearing aid is giving yourself regular small challenges and exercises. This could involve activities such as trying to locate different sounds around you or listening to audiobooks, podcasts, or other spoken word content.
If you find yourself struggling at first, it might be worth slowly increasing the number of hours that you wear your hearing aids each day and in different settings – this will help you become more comfortable with them more quickly.
Another useful idea is to watch/listen to the news on TV or Radio. News presenters articulate clearly, and with the lack of music and other background noises, you will be able to hear more comfortably.
Related Questions
Does your hearing get worse if you don’t wear a hearing aid?
Hearing aids are designed to help you to hear sounds more clearly, but they don’t have an effect on whether your hearing loss gets worse or better. They’re simply tools to enhance your current level of hearing.
Should I turn my hearing aid off at night?
It’s not necessary to wear your hearing aid during the night unless you feel that you may need it to hear something. If you don’t need it, turning it off by removing the battery is a good way to maximize battery life.