CD players were extremely popular in the 1990s and 2000s. Because they have recently made a small comeback, people are wondering what they need to optimize the sound quality.
Do you need a DAC when using a CD player?
A DAC (Digital Analog Converter) isn’t required for a CD player. However, DACs improve the sound quality that is produced by a CD player. CD players have a built-in DAC so people can listen to the music that is stored on the CD. DACs change digital information to analog so a CD player can read it.
CD players are not used often nowadays, but those who do use them want to listen to high-quality music, even if the device itself is outdated. More information about DACs and what they do is below.

What is a DAC?
A DAC is a Digital Analog Converter, sometimes called a Digital Audio Converter.
A DAC changes digital information that is stored on items like CDs, laptops, tablets, MP3 players, and smartphones to analog information.
The analog information is what you hear and understand. If the information was not changed, you wouldn’t be able to listen to music or understand what people are saying when you are watching a video.
Music is stored on various devices in a digital format so the devices can read that information.
However, humans are not computers and can’t read that digital information, even if they can read code. Humans can hear analog information though, so when you listen to music you are listening to analog information that was previously digital information.
DACs also control the sound quality that is produced by the device that you are listening to music through. However, other factors influence the sound quality of the music you are listening to.
Check out this beginner’s guide to DAC from YouTube.
Do All CD Players Have a Built-In DAC?
All CD players have a built-in Digital Analog Converter.
However, you can purchase an external DAC if there is something wrong with the one that is part of your CD player or MP3 device.
Some receivers even have a built-in DAC, although typically you need to purchase an external DAC.
Since most CD players have a headphone jack or can connect to your headphones in another way, it has a built-in DAC. However, if your CD player needs to be connected to another device before it can be used by you, it does not have a built-in DAC.
Check out this article that explains how to get any stand-alone CD player set up with external speakers. You can read it here.
- Your CD player likely doesn’t have a built-in DAC if it doesn’t have a traditional headphone jack. Instead, it may have a USB port or a cord that you need to plug into a DAC.
However, CD players have been updated since the 90s and 2000s.
They no longer look outdated and bulky and instead are sleek and extremely thin. One of the reasons why some extremely old CD players were so bulky and thick is because of the internal DAC.
The DAC took up room, so the machine was bulky at times. The DAC technology has improved along with the CD players, so companies have been able to make CD players smaller.
- When you purchase a CD player and you notice that the packaging says that you need to use a DAC to use the product, try using it without said DAC.
The company may be trying to make you spend more money than is necessary. If you find that you can’t use the CD player without a DAC or the sound quality is extremely low, purchase a separate DAC.
Will a DAC Improve My CD Player’s Sound Quality?
A DAC can be used to improve the sound quality that comes from your CD player.
DACs are often used to improve the sound quality when music is played from various devices, including a CD player.
- However, a DAC isn’t necessary unless you are extremely picky about the sound quality of the music you are playing through your CD player.
A large part of the sound quality is influenced by the quality of your headphones rather than the DAC.
If you have bad headphones made of low-quality materials, the music will sound crackly and be of low quality.
If you want to listen to high-quality music from your CD player, purchase high-quality headphones. If the headphones are noise-canceling, as many headphones are nowadays, you may not even notice the whirring sound of the CD moving in your CD player.
If you want to connect your CD player to other devices like a radio or a set of impressive speakers, you should use a DAC.
The DAC will ensure the sound quality is high and help translate the signals from the CD player to the speakers or radio. However, some radios and speakers won’t work with a CD player, as many people don’t use them nowadays and don’t connect large devices to them.
You can easily purchase a DAC that you can connect to your CD player, laptop, or smartphone if you want to improve the sound quality. However, other factors will make a bigger and more noticeable difference that you will appreciate more.
Most of the time, you don’t need to worry about whether or not a device has a Digital-Analog Converter, as they are built-in most of the time.
Check out this article that explains whether all CD players sound the same. You can read it here.
If you want to use a CD player and are worried about whether or not it has a DAC, check the packaging.
If it says that you need to purchase a DAC, then it doesn’t have a DAC built-in to the device. However, if it doesn’t mention a DAC, you don’t need to purchase a separate one.
Most DACs nowadays can be plugged into a variety of different devices.
Before you purchase a DAC, make sure that it is compatible with the devices that you want to use it with. They range in price, but you will likely be able to find one within your budget.