Headphones are one of the most impactful audio devices ever created, revolutionizing how people listen to music and other content. Many people have concerns over headphones and hearing loss, but hair loss from headphones is another thing that some people worry about.
Can wearing headphones cause hair loss? Overall, headphones are highly unlikely to cause hair loss. For this to be possible, the headphones would need to be extremely tight so that they were constantly pulling the hair, and a person would likely be susceptible if they had an underlying condition.
There are many different types of headphones available today. Some, like gaming headsets, may be more likely to cause hair loss due to their tight fit compared to smaller over-ear headphones that cause less tension.
In this guide, we’ll examine whether hair loss is likely to occur from using headphones and how this can be avoided.
Wearing Headphones and Hair Loss
No concrete scientific research has been done on the link between wearing headphones and experiencing hair loss. Still, a quick internet search on the subject shows plenty of anecdotal evidence from people who feel this has happened to them.
A rare form of hair loss known as traction alopecia can occur when the hair is pulled tightly for lengthy periods, causing it to be uprooted. This may result in the hair not growing back or growing back at a slower rate than usual.
However, it’s unlikely that traction alopecia would be caused by wearing headphones. For this to be possible, the headphones would need to be so tight that the user would experience pain due to them pulling their hair.
Most people would adjust the headband size to avoid the pain or choose a different set of headphones that fit more comfortably. In theory, if a set of very tight headphones were worn for several hours each day, then this could result in the hair being gradually pulled out. Traction alopecia is common amongst people who braid their hair too tightly, rather than people who wear headphones or hats that are too tight. Braids are often worn for long stretches of time, and the person may not notice the pain after a while.
Wearing headphones that are too tight will be instantly noticeable, and when they are removed, you’ll experience some tension where they have pulled against the hair. This should cause you to stop wearing them or adjust the headband to reduce the tightness.
Therefore, it’s always a good idea to try multiple headphones to see which fit most comfortably or check the maximum size the headband can be extended to before buying.
Other Problems That Headphones Can Cause
Although it’s doubtful that wearing headphones will result in hair loss, they can cause some common issues. The most documented is hearing loss, resulting from listening to audio at high volumes through headphones for prolonged periods.
Headphones that are not the right size for your head can cause other issues, such as soreness and headaches. This is because they put pressure on your ears and head, causing discomfort.
It’s, therefore, essential to choose headphones that can be adjusted to match the size and shape of your head. Every person has a slightly different head shape and should set their headphones up to fit it as comfortably as possible.
If you suspect that your headphones are causing you issues, such as pain, discomfort, or hair loss, switching to in-ear alternatives might be a good idea. That way, you won’t have a headband stretching over the top of your head.

Earphones and earbuds are popular alternatives to over-ear headphones and are generally much more comfortable to wear. You can use them for more extended periods without worrying about them pulling against your hair or pressing against your head and causing you any pain.
It’s still essential to set the volume to a reasonable level when using in-ear headphones, as they are equally as likely to damage your ears if used at high volumes.
Related Questions
Should headphones feel tight?
Headphones should feel secure enough to remain on your head when you walk around, but they shouldn’t feel so tight that they are causing any pain or discomfort. If you feel tenderness in your ears or head after a while of wearing them, adjust the headband set.
Do headphones get loose over time?
Depending on the build quality of your headphones, they may lose some of their tension after you’ve worn them many times. The resistance will be greater if the headphones are new and have never been worn before.
How long should you wear headphones for each day?
It is recommended that you should use headphones for no longer than two hours per day on a low volume or one hour per day on a medium volume. This will ensure that your ears are protected.