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Can Hearing-Aids Cause Headaches? Exploring the Connection

While hearing aids are lifesavers for millions of people with hearing loss, helping them reconnect with their loved ones and the world around them, some hearing aid users have reported experiencing headaches while using these devices. This raises the question: can hearing aids cause headaches?

Headaches associated with hearing aids can often be due to improperly adjusted devices, a poor fit, or incorrect usage.

If hearing aids are not properly fitted or adjusted, they may pick up loud sounds and amplify them even further, causing discomfort to the ears and potentially leading to headaches and even tinnitus.

Additionally, poorly fitting devices can also cause physical discomfort, which might contribute to that misery in the head.

Relationship Between Hearing Aids and Headaches

Headaches can sometimes be triggered by hearing aids for a variety of reasons. One possible cause is the amplification settings in the hearing aids. Amplifying loud sounds too much can be painful to the ears, leading to a throbbing head and even tinnitus (Hearcare, Inc. and Associates). This usually occurs when the internal control settings in the hearing aids are set too high.

Another factor is the way hearing aids work on the auditory system and the brain. When a person has hearing loss, their auditory system, including the hearing nerve and brain, do not receive as much stimulation as when they had normal hearing (Echo Audiology). Introducing a hearing aid may, therefore, initially cause some discomfort, leading to headaches.

In certain cases, the headaches might be a result of an improper fit or adjustment of the hearing aids. It is essential to have the hearing aids correctly fitted and adjusted by a professional audiologist to avoid discomfort and potential headaches (Hearing Associates of Las Vegas).

While there is a relationship between hearing aids and headaches, it’s important to note that these instances are not universal, and many users do not experience any discomfort when wearing their hearing aids correctly. In cases where headaches do occur, adjusting the settings, fit, or even gradually increasing the volume with time can help users adapt more comfortably.

Causes of Headaches When Wearing Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can cause headaches due to a variety of reasons, such as incorrect fit, sound sensitivity, and pressure on the ears. Understanding these factors can help users take steps to minimize discomfort and maximize the benefits of their hearing aids.

Incorrect Fit

One of the most common causes of headaches when wearing hearing aids is an incorrect fit. If the hearing aids are poorly adjusted, they can cause discomfort, pain, and even a pounding head. To avoid this issue, it is essential to work with an audiologist to ensure your hearing aids are correctly customized to your ears and properly adjusted to your specific hearing needs.

Sound Sensitivity

Another potential cause of headaches while wearing hearing aids is sound sensitivity. Hearing aids that pick up and amplify loud sounds can be painful to the ears and lead to headaches. This discomfort can be mitigated by having the hearing aids properly programmed and adjusted by a professional, ensuring an optimal balance between amplification and noise reduction.

Pressure on Ears

Lastly, some users may experience headaches if their hearing aids exert too much pressure on the ears, potentially due to an improper fit or a large hearing aid style. Ensuring the hearing aids are properly fitted and selecting a more comfortable style or design can help alleviate this pressure and reduce the risk of headaches.

Addressing these issues can significantly improve the comfort and overall experience of using hearing aids, as well as minimize the likelihood of headaches caused by the devices.

Preventing Hearing Aid-Related Headaches

While it is possible that hearing aids can cause headaches, there are ways to prevent and minimize this issue. By focusing on proper fitting and adjustments, allowing for a gradual adjustment period, and following up with regular care and maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of your hearing aids without the discomfort of a painful head.

Proper Fitting and Adjustments

A poorly fitting hearing aid can be the primary cause of headaches. To prevent this issue, work closely with your audiologist or healthcare professional to ensure that your hearing aids fit correctly and are properly adjusted. This may involve customizing the earpiece for a better fit or adjusting the device’s settings to meet your specific hearing needs. According to a Helping Me Hear article, adjusting your hearing aid can alleviate some of the pain associated with headaches.

Gradual Adjustment Period

New hearing aid users may experience headaches due to the sudden increase in auditory input, as the brain works harder to process these new signals. To ease this transition, consider gradually increasing your usage of hearing aids over the first few weeks, rather than wearing them all day from the start. This will help your brain adjust to the new sounds gradually and reduce the likelihood of headaches. Echo Audiology suggests that headaches may occur for new users but are likely to subside as the brain adapts over time.

Follow-Up Care and Maintenance

Regular follow-up appointments with your audiologist or healthcare professional can also help prevent hearing aid-related headaches. These visits offer an opportunity to fine-tune your devices, address any discomfort, and ensure proper functioning.

Additionally, maintaining your hearing aids by keeping them clean and in good working order can also minimize the potential for headaches.

In conclusion, taking the necessary steps for proper fitting, gradual adjustment, and regular care can significantly reduce the risk of hearing aid-related headaches, allowing you to enjoy their benefits without discomfort.

When to Consult a Professional

If you experience headaches after using hearing aids, it is essential to consult a professional. Headaches can be a symptom of out of whack hearing aids, often resulting from improper fit or adjustment. There are a few situations in which you should seek the advice of an audiologist or hearing aid specialist:

  • When you initially start using hearing aids and consistently experience headaches, it may be due to the device not being correctly fitted or adjusted.
  • If you have been using hearing aids for a while and suddenly begin experiencing headaches, it could indicate that your hearing has changed, requiring a new adjustment or a different type of hearing aid.
  • When you experience any other hearing-related issues, such as feedback or poor sound quality, alongside headaches. These symptoms may be interconnected and could hint at a problem with your hearing aids.

A professional can identify the cause of your headache, adjust your hearing aids, or offer alternative solutions to alleviate your discomfort. Remember that your hearing aids should improve your quality of life, and any discomfort or pain is a sign that you need assistance from a professional.


Hearing aids can indeed cause headaches in some cases, usually due to improper adjustment, incorrect use, or poor fit. However, it is essential to note that appropriately fit and adjusted hearing aids should not directly cause headaches (Soundly).

When experiencing headaches while using hearing aids, it is crucial to consult with an audiologist or hearing aid professional to figure out the cause and find a solution.

Issues such as fit, amplification settings, or venting might need to be addressed to provide optimal comfort and hearing benefits.

In summary, hearing aid users should be aware of the potential for headaches but also know that proper adjustments and fitting are crucial for avoiding this issue. By working closely with a hearing professional, individuals can experience the benefits of hearing aids without the discomfort of headaches.